California - Jose Antonio Mosqueda was ruled as guilty by fellow lawyers after torturing a tortoise he found in a backyard. The tortoise, named Bob, is a precious pet of the local autistic boy William Sullivan.

Mosqueda brutally mutilated the 40 pound creature, slashing its neck and legs, puncturing its shell, and smashing it against a wall. Bob is recovering at the moment, though its condition and bodily form is overall horrendous. Now, autistic children are known to be quiet and introverted; in this case, Bob was the first thing William ever spoke to. Poor kid, now he is terrified believing that he will be taken and harassed like the tortoise (through his imagination... autistic children have absolutely amazing imagination).

The accused 18year old was sentenced, on Monday, to 270 days in jail, 5 years of probation, and a fine of $5479. Funny how Mosqueda used to own an iguana, a dog, and a snake. The court ruled that he may not have access to any animals in the future and that he is to abandon his pets. His lawyers didn't have a chance.


  1. Anonymous said...
    ...You thought I was borderline autistic... :S
    Kent said...
    Me too...
    Anonymous said...
    lol indirect assault really sucks when it involves animals

    damn I am moved, by the condition of the tortoise
    Antique Slot Machines said...
    This topic is simply matchless :), it is interesting to me.

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