Two Disneylands in China

China's enormous population only means an enormous demand for entertainment. Of course, China seriously lacks entertainment (that's probably why so many Chinese people are interesting in site-seeing. Honestly, site-seeing is boring as shit). One thing is for sure, when something new pops up, say, I don't know, Disney Land, the population will mangle it, likely suck out all the entertainment value, and leave it in ruins and repairs for the next five months.

I exaggerate! The truth is that there exists a Disney Land in Hong Kong, China. It is also true that it faces a serious overcrowding problem (pff, what doesn't in China) as demonstrated on its preview day on September 4th, 2005. With the park's size is already smaller than the original in California, the 29000 locals pushed the average waiting line for food to approximately 45 minutes, and the average ride to 2 hours. To make things even worse, there is only one roller coaster in the entire park - Space Mountain. That's right, ONE! And it is so gentle and any infant 1.02m or taller may ride the tamed beast.

To ease up the overcrowding and the archaic entertainment situation, our fellow communist leaders have already planned ahead of time (they always do; this is no surprise). The plan to construct the second Disney Land in China was already made before the construction of the first one. The second Disney Land will be located in Shang Hai, costing around $3.5billion, and opening in the summer of 2012. This time, they have gone completely insane: the new park will be about 3 times the size of the one in Hong Kong - the largest in the world. It will create 6000 new jobs, and hopefully attract 6million visitors each year. This makes the park in Hong Kong sound like an small experimental prototype.

The generation of today are profoundly rejuvenating the morose spirit of the country after the past few decades of decay. Ok I feel like I have low hp so I'm going to stop writing and go to sleep. Byebye

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    China... meh I'm not Asian enough to know or care much about this stuff right now. Go restore your HP!

    ~You Know Who I Am By Now~ (obviously)

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